Middle names for boys are in vogue again! In the past years the most common middle boy name used to be “Junior” and we have also seen it used twice as in “Frank Junior Junior”. These days Junior is trending down, giving way to classic, traditional names, which can be beautifully paired with a unique first name, giving an extra charm to your baby’s name. You can still name your baby after the father, but also pair it and escape the monotonous habits of the past. Take a look in the list below to get ideas for middle names that may suit to your boy!
Middle Names For Boys
Austin: it is of French and Latin origin and it means great, magnificent. It is a variant form of Augustine.
Charles: it is of Old German origin and it means free man. It comes from karl, which is similar to Old English churl, meaning man, serf. Carolus Magnus or Charlemagne or Charles the Great, was the first emperor in Western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and he united most of the Western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire.
Cooper: it is of Old English origin and it means barrel maker. It may be the English form of a German surname, meaning copper smith.
Daniel: it is of Hebrew origin and it means God is my judge. Daniel was the prophet and the writer of the book of Daniel and he survived a death sentence in a lion’s den, which had political motives. Many prominent men have carried the name since.
Edward: it is of Old English origin and it means wealthy guard. Kings of England since before the Norman Conquest used it in the royal family. King Edward the Confessor was a saint who came to be well respected in Europe as a model of a Christian King.
Holden: it is of Old English origin and it means deep valley. Holden was the name of the hero of J. D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye.
Jackson: it is of Old English origin and it means son of Jack. It is an English surname.
James: it is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is he who supplants. It comes from the Latin Iacomus which is the Latin form of the Greek Iakobos and is a variant form of Iacobus.
Kent: its origin is Old English and its meaning is edge. It is also a place name of an English county.
Lee: it is of Old English origin and it means pasture or meadow. It is a place name and a common surname.
Mark: this name is of Latin origin and it means dedicated to Mars. It is an anglicized version of Marcus. Mark was the Roman surname of Peter and Paul’s missionary companion, John Mark. John Mark was also the writer of one of the four Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus.
Nash: it is of Old English origin and a possible meaning might be headland, cliff.
Patrick: it is of Latin origin and its meaning is patrician, noble. The original Latin name, Patricius, was a title which referred to the aristocrats (patricians), opposed to the plebeians (commoners). A very well known religious holiday of Ireland is Saint Patrick’s Day and the Irish Diaspora around the world celebrates it on 17 March.
Sebastian: it derives from the Greek word sebastos, which means venerable, that is a translation of the Latin Augustus, title of Roman emperors. Its original form referred to those from a particular region or city of Asia Minor. Saint Sebastian was a soldier that martyred, after he was found to be a Christian. He became the patron saint of soldiers.
Seth: it is of Hebrew origin and it means set, appointed. Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve appointed to take the place of Abel who was killed by Cain.
Tate: it is of Middle English origin and it means cheerful. It derived from the Old English name Tata.
Thomas: it is of Aramaic origin and it means twin. Thomas was one of the 12 apostles and he is known as doubting Thomas.
Tristan: this name is the Old French form of the Pictish name Drustan, a diminutive of Drust. The spelling changed and was associated with the Latin word tristis, meaning sad. According to the Celtic legend, Tristan was supposed to get Isolde to marry King Mark of Cornwall from Ireland, but they ended up falling in love.
William: it is of Old German origin and it means will helmet, protection. After the Norman Conquest, 3 out of 4 boys were given some form of the conqueror’s name William and it stayed a royal name in England for nearly a thousand years.